Calling all Artists!

We are looking for scientific illustrators to help us create a Field Guide to Munson Sandhills Ephemeral Ponds. We hope to include 100 of the most common species found in these wetlands and are enlisting the help of our community to do so!
Here is more info:
- Here is a link to a Google Drive folder, Pond Field Guide. In this folder you will find the sign-up Google Sheets and a folder with reference photos if you need them. Feel free to use the internet to find other reference photos, just be sure to search by scientific name as common names can be problematic.
- Sign-up Sheet is organized by taxa (plant, frog, salamander, insect, etc.). You will see a column (Column A) in which to type your name to ‘sign up’ for a species to illustrate. Please only sign up for one species at a time.
- There are checkboxes and notes (where relevant) associated with each species. Some species require multiple illustrations (larval stage, distinguishing characteristics, flower, etc.).
- To submit your illustration, please fill out this Google Form, Illustration Use Release Form. If you have multiple images of your species (various life stages, etc) you can upload up to 5 images per form. Fill out this form for each species so we can tie your name to the organism and credit you appropriately.
- Organisms can be perched or otherwise associated with a small bit of habitat, if needed, as long as the surrounding does not distract. David Sibley has great examples of this style in his Guides.
- For students, we are happy to help you obtain volunteer hours for your work with us!
- If you would like to run by drafts first or have any questions, please email Rebecca